






I. Safety Education:

 1.食品安全教育:所有留学生应注意食品卫生,不食用过期变质食品,不食用未知来 源食品,不食用陌生人提供的食品;注意厨房清洁卫生,餐余食物妥善处置。

1.Food safety: All students should pay attention to food safety. Do not eat expired or spoiled food, food from unknown source, or food provided by strangers. Keep the kitchen clean and dispose of leftover food properly.

2.厨具安全:在不掌握厨房用具使用方法的情况下,不使用高压锅、大功率用电 厨具,电磁炉使用完毕后立即切断电源,冷却后妥善放置,防止烫伤;

 2. Kitchenware safety: Without understanding the proper use of kitchen utensils, do not use pressure cookers or high-power electrical appliances. After using an induction cooker, immediately disconnect the power and place it carefully after cooling to prevent burns.


3. Gas, water, and electricity safety:

1)使用天然气炉灶后,必须关闭天然气管道安全阀门; After using a gas stove, make sure to close the gas valve.

2)居住人员离开公寓一天以上,必须关闭水管截门,并排空水管内余水; If residents leave the apartment for more than a day, they must turn off the water supply and drain the remaining water in the pipes.

3)居住人员离开居住公寓一天以上,需关闭冰箱以外的电源开关;日常离开公寓时需拔掉充电器,关闭电暖气等用电器,家中无人时不给用电器充电; If residents leave the apartment for more than a day, they should turn off all power switches except for the refrigerator. Unplug chargers when leaving the apartment, unplug the electric heater and do not charge any electrical appliances when no one is at home.

4)禁止使用煤气罐做饭,在没有开通天然气的公寓内居住,可使用电磁炉烹 饪。 Cooking with gas tank is prohibited. In apartments without access to natural gas, electric cookers can be used for cooking.


 4. Fire safety: Do not use open flames inside the apartment and smoking in bed is prohibited. No barbecuing activities in the forest or wild field.

5. 节假日旅游人员众多,请同学们尽量减少外出。如需外出,严格执行请销假制度及外国人住宿登记制度。

There are a lot of holiday travelers and everywhere will be crowed, so students are supposed not to go to other cities. If there is a need to go out, students must abide by “requesting and canceling leave regulation” and the “foreigners' accommodation registration regulation”.

6. 注意交通安全 , 遵守交通规则,不多人共骑一辆电动自行车,不横穿马路;骑行电动自行车要戴头盔;靠右行驶,不逆行,不在机动车道骑行、行走。

Abide by traffic rules, do not share a bike with more than one person; do not cross the road freely, wear helmets when riding electric bicycles; keep to the right when ride bicycles, do not go against the right flow of traffic, and do not ride bikes or walk in the motorway.

7. 加强法律法规教育:教育留学生遵守中国法律和校规校纪,不从事非法打工活动及其它违法犯罪活动。

International students are required to abide by Chinese laws and school rules and regulations, and refrain from engaging in illegal working activities and other illegal and criminal activities.


1. 做好《假期去向登记表》填写工作,放假前报学生科汇总。假期结束后,所有学生必须按时返校上课。不按期返校的予以纪律处分。


3. 加强学生动态监控。各班辅导员每日通过微信、QQ等手段与学生有效互动,随时掌握学生在张、离张、返张情况,有问题及时处置、上报学院。关注学生社交平台账号动态,关注涉舆情情况,一旦发现及时上报。

4. 加强学生活动管理。教育学生不要因聚会、聚餐等情况扰民,尊重中国风俗习惯,正常作息,融洽邻里关系。举行活动需遵照《国际教育学院学生社团活动管理办法(试行)》(国际院字〔20244号)规定开展。


1. 安排好假期值班人员。值班人员须按时到岗,填写值班记录。

2. 全体职工手机必须保持全天24小时开机。

3. 值班人员发现紧急情况时,需启动突发事件紧急预案,在第一时间向相关领导汇报。

